Network Installation Service

At Gab we help your company improve teamwork, increase productivity and improve computer security through the installation, configuration and professional maintenance of computer networks.

We handle the entire process of setting up a new office or commercial premises, from the installation of structured cabling or network cabling, installation and configuration of the communications rack, configuration of routers, switches and WiFi access points, and connection to the network of the company's computer equipment.

Why Do You Need an Internal Network?

Companies usually have multiple equipment and devices to work with: computers, printers, telephones, scanners... As they increase in size and add new hardware, computer management becomes much more difficult. Security risks increase and there is a great lack of control in data management. Sooner or later there is a point where you need to design, organize and configure an internal computer network that allows users to share information and resources to make the work more productive. In most cases, it is very useful to install or configure a central server, to which all the equipment and devices for the storage of information are connected.

Advantages of Installing your Computer Networks with Gab

Lack of productivity, difficulties in managing work teams or lack of efficiency in the use of computer systems are some of the computer problems that make a company lose money, and that decentralize and demotivate its workers.

Gab helps you with the process of designing, installing and configuring your computer networks based on your needs, so you can take advantage of a centralized management of your company's resources: Increase security: allows you to establish common rules for the entire network, establish firewalls to prevent external attacks, configure passwords for each computer equipment, schedule automatic backups, or limit navigation for greater system security. Improves productivity: saves time because workers do not have to wait or move from their positions to use the company's computer resources. It encourages teamwork: allows users to share information and data over the network with other computers, without having to enter another person's computer, or send the information by email or with USB sticks. We offer you a comprehensive and complete installation, configuration and start-up service for your computer networks, with travel to the headquarters of your company, and providing you with full guarantees of a good performance computer networks adapted to your needs. We also have the network maintenance service, through which you can receive technical support when any incident occurs with the equipment of your computer network, solve internet connection problems, replace equipment that does not work properly, or expand the capacity and performance of your network as your company grows.

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